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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Vietnam war

9. To prevent east germans from fleeing to the west, it cut off communications between the west and east and the western influence.

10. They were communists in Cuba and this incident is known as the cuban missile crisis, they blockaded cuba as an attempt to force russia to take their missiles out of cuba.

11. Allowed him to use American forces in Vietnam.

12. Herbicide they spray to clear out forests and tall grasses in Vietnam, but it was believed to have contaminated many Americans and Vietnamese causing serious health problems.

13. The north Vietnamese and Vietcong attacks on south Vietnam that took place on the Vietnamese new years Tet.

14. there was no direct attack on American soil, the generation gap the new generation didn't believe in fighting the war like the old one did, we weren't winning, it cost us a lot of money, people were being forced to join the military.

15. Reasons why LBJ should not run:
1. Didn't have the support of the younger generation
2. It was a good idea to put someone new in office who had a different view of approaching the war since Johnson was already losing.
3. No one trusted his decisions involving the war.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Don't know much about history part 2

1) Why did FDR want to pack the Supreme Court? Did it work? Do you think this was constitutionally correct?

· So they would be in favor the new deal so it could get passed. It didn’t work and it wasn’t really constitutionally correct.

2) What is a theory about Amelia Earhart's death? Why was she important?

· That Japanese shot her down, and there was another one that she ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean. She was the first female to cross the Atlantic, she was going to go across the world but she didn’t make it. A model of a rugged feminism.

3) What was Lend-Lease?

· America would lend tanks, warplanes, and ships that could be returned in kind after the war. He granted un presidented powers to aid any country whose defense was deemed vital to any defense.

4) Discuss the BATTLE OF BRITAIN.

· It was a 16-week air war, which caused Britain more then 900 planes and thousands of civilian lives, Germany lost 1700 aircrafts. England was about to run out of the cash it needed to keep their defense alive.

5) What were some of the reasons isolationists wanted to stay out of the war?

· They didn’t want the ammunition makers making a large profit.

6) What was the traditional definition of Fascism? Who were the Fascists of Europe in the 30s?

· A military dictatorship built on racist and power for the nationalistic foundations generally with the broad support the business class. They were people who didn’t like other governments. Hitler and Mussolini.

7) Who were the Axis Powers?

· Germany, Japan, and Italy.

8) In what year and month did Japan invade Perking?

· July, 1937.

9) What were the aggressive actions of Germany and Italy before the start of WWII?

· They marched into Austria and Hitler declared Austria re-untied with Germany. And he demanded the Sudeten land in Czechoslovakia and then they took the rest of Czechoslovakia and then he took Poland. And everywhere in Western Europe.

10) What are the two views of Pearl Harbor?

· The first was that FDR was preoccupied with the war in Europe and didn’t want war with Japan. The other one is that he wanted to be in the war and he knew about the attacks and that Japan was going to do something.

11) What does Japan cite as reasons to go to war?

· America stopped giving them oil. And America loaned money to the nationalists in china.

12) What is the date of Pearl Harbor?

· December 7th, 1941

13) What is the date of D-Day?

· June 6th, 1944

14) What was the cost of World War II?

· More than 38,000,000 people died. 22 million from Russia, 3.5 million Germans, 1.2 million Japanese a lot were soldiers, 300,000 in the united states.

15) What was the Yalta Conference?

· It was the moping up meeting between Winston Churchill, FDR, and Joseph Stalin. They met in Yalta.

16) What did Stalin demand in return for his agreement to enter the war against Japan?

· The soviets would control Manchuria and Mongolia and would be ceded half a Sakhalin Island and Kurile Islands, off northern Japan; a Soviet occupation zone would be created in Korea; and in the United Nations, a veto power would be given to the major nations, of which the Soviet Union was one, along with the United States, Great Britain, France, and China.

17) What is FDR's legacy?

· He was the indispensable man of his time, which was the Depression and WWII. The new Deal, and the first 100 days. He was a near dictator, he had a lot of power, WPA, NRA

18) Did the U.S. have to drop Atomic weapons on Japan? List the various PROs and CONs to this argument.

· Yes, If they hadn’t they would have had to invade Japan and many American lives would have been lost. It was bad because if they dropped it out of the plane and it didn’t explode then the Japanese resistance would have been a lot less.

19) How did the Cold War start?

· The idea that we have a nuclear bomb and we have it and we are not afraid to loose it, the big stick. And it was the build up of nuclear weapons on each side.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dont know much about history

1) Name five important books of the 1920s.

· Gatsby, three soldiers, main street, Babbitt, Arrow smith and Elmer gantry

2) What was the first "talkie"? How did it change America?

· The jazz singer, it was a multi million dollar production, and Hollywood became “Hollywood.”

3) Discuss the "Red Scare of 1919".

· It was the idea that anything slightly tainted by socialism was dangerous. So foreigners started being deported.

4) What was the 18th amendment? Why was it enacted? How did it go wrong?

· It prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxication liquors. It was supposed to be an answer to social instability and moral decline at the beginning of the 21st century. There were a lot of riots and organized crime skyrocketed. The invention of illegal things such as bath tub gin and moonshine were created to compensate for the decline of legal alcohol which in the end the amendment didn’t stop or end alcoholism and alcohol related deaths because if people wanted a drink they drank.

5) Who were Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul?

· Together they set up the NWSA, Susan B. Anthony was called the napoleon of women’s rights, and they were women activists. They pushed for reforms in New York and continued to urge the vote for women at the national level; they thought it was just as important as black people being able to vote.

6) What is important about Henry Ford? How did he change America?

· He revolutionized the automobile industry. He perfected the assembly line and the versions of the automobiles. He came out with the first Model T. The American dream of freedom on the open road became a reality.

7) What is important about Charles Lindbergh? How did he symbolize the times?

· He was the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic. It took him 33 hours. He was a symbol of “do anything” American inventiveness.

8) What were "pool operators" and how were they crooked?

· They were schemers. They would make stock prices go up really high and then they would con someone into buying their stocks at a high price and then the stock would go way down and they would take that money and run.

9) How were stocks inflated? How did this cause the crash?

· They got inflated because every one was buying them and then they would borrow money from the brokers who would borrow money from the bank and then they wouldn’t be able to pay them back so then the banks closed which was the crash.

10) What was Black Thursday and Black Tuesday?

· On black Thursday 13 million stocks were sold and then Black Tuesday more than 16 million stocks were sold.

11) What was Hoover's view of Government relief programs?

· That they need to stay out of the problems and they need just let things work themselves out and that hope and good/happy times were around the corner.

12) What was the "Bonus Army"?

· 10,000 veterans went to Washington D.C. because they were supposed to be getting a bonus in a couple years and they wanted it now so they led a riot.

13) What happened during the "Hundred Days"?

· It was the new deal, which was FDR’s attempt to bring the economy back up by making government funded programs that employed the people in order to bring the economy back up.

14) What was the WPA and what did it do?

· Workers progress administration. It was set up for federal construction projects. It also set up artistic projects that employed thousands of musicians, writers and artists.

15) What were Roosevelt's FIRESIDE CHATS and why did they become important?

· It was where FDR did radio broadcasts about what was going on in the government and it made the people feel more secure

Thursday, March 10, 2011

History review notes

George Armstrong Custer: general that lead the army out numbered against Siuox indians and got slaughtered. They were going to negogiate a move but he lead an attack
JP Morgan- Owned over half the rail road. Started the first trusts. He was corrupt. Formed standard oil of cleveland with the first trust.

W.E.B. Du Bois- Black public speaker wrote a book describing how black needed to rise up and get better things for themselves. The souls of black folks

James Butler Hickok- ‘Wild Bill’ Symbol of cowboy life and the wild west.

Theodore Roosevelt- 26th president, trust buster, great president, formed the progressive party

Eugene Debs- Union leader, founded the international labor union and the industrial workers of the world, he was a socalilist

Benjamin Harrison- republican President, grandson of William Harrison, Sherman anti trust act (first federal law to control trusts and monopolies)

William McKinley- Republican President, assassinated in office. Roosevelt is his VP. His death changed the company because a lot of big companies didn’t want Roosevelt in any power position. McKinley supported big business

John D. Rockefeller- Revolutionized oil.

Be able to discuss the Importance of the following:

The assassination of William McKinley- turning point

The Robber Barons and what they did- set up trusts in order to control one area of business and get rid of competition

The Jungle- a book on the meat industry on how it was corrupt. Influences Roosevelt to put restrictions on the industry and to go further with the FDA. Last novel to create social change
Why the Spanish American War was fought- To free cuba, war created and pushed by new paper. It was actually imperiolisim, to expand

Wounded Knee- the indians last stand. Massacre of the Indians.

Custer’s Last Stand- What triggered the end of the native americans

Jim Crow- represented black Americans and segregation of America.

Separate But Equal-

How the 14th Amendment was used to protect corporations- Grants rights to African Americans and some lawyer takes the wording to show that corportations are a person. Which would protect the investers. So when the coporation does something wrong the coporation gets sued not the investors.

The Panama Canal- French tried first. Colombia didn’t agree sent

Roosevelt and his “big stick”- did what roosevlet wanted. He got what he wanted

Other questions:

What lands did America get from winning the Spanish-American War? Cuba, Puerto rico, mid way, Guam, filippines,
How did this war make America an Imperial Country? We expanded outside of our own country and took over other countries
How did Theodore Roosevelt rise in politics? Started out as the assistant to the abministry to the navy, becomes a hero in the Spanish American war, become VP and than President.

Things to Know Part II
Things to Know: Don’t Know Much About History 231 – 248

What was the Bull Moose Party?
Teddy roosevelts party that he set up when he lost the republican seat to taft. Also known as the progressive party.

Why is W.E.B. Du Bois connected with John the Baptist?
He was the John the Baptist of that era. People saw him as someone like John the Baptist.
How many votes did Eugene Debs receive in 1912? What was his party?
He was the socialist candidate who received 6 percent of the votes, nearly a million

What was the 16th Amendment?
Imposed an income tax

What was the 17th Amendment?
Says that US senators are elected by popular direct vote

Why did America become “Big Brother” to Latin America under Woodrow Wilson.
Because that panama canal was almost completed and he wanted to ensure that American power in the hemisphere would not be threatened,

How did World War I start?
The archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne was assassinated and those they declared war on who they blamed

Why did World War I start?
Honor and wealth

What were the divisions (or sides)?
Austria Hungarian Empire
America Serbia
Great Britain

Discuss the importance of the Lusitania.
It was Americas reasoning for entering the war even though this isn’t completely true. Protect the open seas from German raiders in their U-boats who were killing innocent Americans aboard passenger ships

Why, ultimately, did the United States enter World War I?
Because the powerful forces such as the industries, banks and commerce wanted it so they could gain wealth. And America wanted a piece of the spoils

How many casualties did the Battle of the Marne have?
500,000 an each side
What was the Espionage Act? Do you consider this act legal?
To prevent spying in the US and to also silience American critics of war. No because it goes against freedom of speak.

How many Americans died in WWI? How many people died totally?
130,174 Americans, 8,965,000 died total

How was the world map reshaped after WWI?
Hungary lost 2/3 of it’s land
Yugoslavia, Chzechoslovakia, Poland, Baltic were formed from the territory of the Austro-Hungarian and German Territory.
And the rest of the empire became Austria

Woodrow Wilson- President during the war, Finishes the panama canal, president after Taft. He wanted amaerica to stay neutral during the war
General John J. Pershing- First general to lead Americans into the world war
Eugene Debs- Leader of the socialist party. Sent to prision for 10 years for making a speech that was said to obstruct recruiting going against the Espionage act
Howard Taft- President after Teddy Roosevelt, chosen by Roosevelt.
Upton Sinclair-Author of the Jungle. About the meat industry and how it was corrupt. Last novel to creat social change

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chapter 18 questions

Chap.18 study questions

7.) It allowed them to transport goods all over the country, and they could bring food and supplies to the workers.

8.) It began in Victoria, Texas.

9.) Fertile land, for farming, and the buffalos.

10.) African American settlers, who migrated from southern states into Kansas in the late 1870’s.

11.) There was a lack of moisture, flash floods would wipe out all their crop, and when they planted it down deep the plants would not produce large crop yields.

12.) They slaughtered them, to feed the crews who were building the railroads, and to get them out of the way of the railroad.

13.) Oklahoma

14.) He was the Apache leader who was stuck on an Arizona reservation, he led raids against settlers in the army in Arizona. He escaped to Mexico.

15.) It prevented them from getting into debt. It offered farmers education, fellowship, and support.

16.) Free silver

17.) It created large cities including Denver, but there were many ghost towns as well, and boom towns. Virginia city became very popular.

18.) They needed railroads to transport their cattle.

19.) They got into debt and lost their lands, the cost of crops went down, while the prices to buy went state high.

20.) Actions:

-Put them on reservations
-They forced them to adopt the white ways, like education
- The united states army attacked them

21.) Montana

22.) North-east part of Montana

23.) In the north east part of Arizona

Monday, February 14, 2011

History Quiz questions


How did the Civil War shape our lives today?
It would still be segregated. It would be different with the blacks. Starts the process of civil rights. The strong central government and weak state governments is finally resolved.
Name three ways the Civil War changed the South.
Destroyed their economy, freed the blacks, lost power in the government, and they even today still have resentment
What constitutional right did Lincoln suspend?
Haydesys corpus: right to have a trial before going to jail and not being able to be jailed forever
List the four border states.
Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware
Why did West Virginia form?
They didn’t want to break from the union like most Virginia
What disadvantages did the South fact?
Didn’t have as many men, didn’t have as such rail road or factories, didn’t have as much money or food, had to ship in all their supplies
Why did the Confederate States believe they had a right to leave the Union?
Thought they had the right to leave if the government was doing something that was destructive to their safety and happiness.
What were the three main strategies of the Union?
Blockade the coast, take control of the Mississippi and take the South Capital.
What was the average age of soldiers who fought in the Civil War?
What was the outcome of Bull Run?
It wasn’t going to be a short war but a long bloody battle
Discuss the Battle of Shiloh.
First huge battle with a lot of casualties. Grant Vs Johnston. 25,000 casualties over 3 days
What were Lincoln’s reasons for the Emancipation Proclamation?
Political strategy, it would passify some of his enemies in the north. Allowed the slaves to run away from the south.
What did the 13th Amendment do?
Said blacks were equal, freed them
How was the Civil War a rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight?
The rich men could get out of fighting while the poor had to. Taking away the Slaves effected the rich people the most.
Discuss the draft laws in the north.
All men were drafted to fight and when called had to go but if you had 200 dollars you could pay to get out of it
Discuss the importance of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.
Big wins for the Union, gave them hope and revival. Gettysburg Lee lost a lot of his army so they could never invade the south.
How did Sherman use “Total War” against the South?
He marched right down the middle and burned and destroyed everything in his path
Who were the Presidents of the Confederacy and the United States during the Civil War?
Union: Abe Lincoln
Confederates: Jefferson Davis

What, exactly, did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
It didn’t really free any slaves but just gave hope

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chapter 16

  1. The blockade was an offensive move used by the union.
  2. The confederate army had many blockade runners, along with the first ironclad warship
  3. There were four border states that didn’t know whether or not to side with the Union or the confederates.
  4. Two of Lincolns moves that helped the Union win was to draft soldiers and also on those within union borders but were against the Union, jail them without enforcing habeas corpus
  5. 1861- 1865
  6. They were fighting a defensive war, had better leaders at least at first, and they had more will to fight
  7. The United States president was Abraham Lincoln and the Confederates was Jefferson Davis
  8. She gathered medical supplies and supplied them to the Union along with medical help at the front line
  9. To prevent them from getting supplies
  10. It was the Unions first big win that gave them confidence for future battles
  11. That any enslaved person in a state of rebellion was now free
  12. On the North side they fought both in the Navy and in the Army and for the South they worked the land so the white men could fight and this supplied the South
  13. It destroyed it, since most the war was fought in the South, a lot of stuff was destroyed and the south laid in ruins. Farmland was destroyed, and railroad were torn up. There was an inflamtion of 9000 percent.
  14. Lee and his men could go home even with their horse so long as they left their arms
  15. They disagreed with it so they formed West Virginia and seceded from Virginia and joined the Union
  16. To the North, it divided the Confederate and prevented them from shipping or receive supplies. The South used to the transport supplies
  17. It was really a fight for their freedom so they had passion for the war and there were so many of them that if you used them you had more people and a better chance at winning
  18. We was a very strategic man and planned attacks well, he was also good to his men and they respected him and he got things done




Attack on Fort Sumter


Confederates first attack, start of the civil war

Monitor V. Merrimack


It marked a new age in naval warfare (first battle between two metal- covered ships

Emancipation Proclamation issued


Showed that we were also fighting for slave freedom

Lincoln is reelected


It meant the Union would keep pushing to get the Confederates to rejoin the union and not just make peace with the south

Appomattox Court House


Where Lee surrendered at, ending the War

  1. Cemetery Ridge
  2. Ewell
  3. Ewell, Lee, Hill, Longstreet, and Pickett